There is only one way to redeem myself from having neglected posts for so long....post pictures of my cute kids. This first picture was inspired by my wonderful sister. She kept asking if the leaves have started falling yet. Well Phelan, they are falling. This picture was in the beginning of it all. A guy from work let me borrow his leaf blower to collect and mulch my leaves. This was more at his request then mine because as it turns out it is way easier to rake and hand bag leaves then it is to blow them around and then mulch them. The only disadvantage of that is it takes more bags. So far I have filled 23 large black bags with leaves and I haven't even done the back yard. But I think the leaf season is over for the most part now. Phelan when you come here (which we are very excited about) I have more leaf pictures for you.

This second picture is of the kids' new PJs. I wasn't going to post it but it is just too cute. We got these about a week ago and the kids are loving them. Other recent happenings of the kids include a end of soccer season party, Jacob tried to shave but has decided to wait, and Amelia has lost 3 teeth. That of course is the last picture. She is very excited about it too because the tooth fairy has come 3 times leaving 3 whole dollars. I sure wish there was a hair fairy. I'd be rich. :)

Well, I do apologize for not posting for so long. Really though there hasn't been much exciting going on. But at the same time I have been very busy. I will try and be better moving forward. Things to look forward to include Cindy and Dave's visit, Thanksgiving, and more blogging fun. Actually, I want to plug Stephen's blog again. He is amazing with his blog. He is constantly putting up new songs and updating. You should really check it out (and leave a comment) But after Thanksgiving he will be posting Christmas songs. Not only is this a fun idea but I will be trying to contribute a little. I have been working on compiling some of my favorite Christmas songs and albums with comments to send to him for his blog. So check it out.