So my kids have been particularly funny lately. To start Amelia has lost 4 teeth in the last month and so in turn has gained 4 whole dollars from the tooth fairy. Well it seems that all that money has gone to her head. Last Sunday (the morning her final dollar appeared) Julie and I were debating on whether we really wanted to get out of bed when we heard an upset Jacob approaching followed closely by Amelia. It was clear Amelia had done something to Jacob that he didn't appreciate and he was going to tell us about it. Not wanting to be as sharing with their going ons Amelia was trying to persuade him to not tell us. Just as he got to our door we heard Amelia plead her final offer, "I'll give you a dollar if you don't tell!" Well if that wasn't funny enough later that night I overheard Amelia ask for the toothpaste during teeth brushing. "I'll give you 100 dollars if you give me the toothpaste." I wish I could get the interest that turns 4 dollars into 100 in such a short time. In other Amelia news, here is a picture of Amelia with her new bangs.
Jacob has also had his funny moments as well. You'll have to ask about the undie dance. But on top of his significant comfort with his own body we discovered last night that Jacob has an artist side that we didn't know about. I was working on a photo project last night so I plugged the camera into the computer to transfer some recent shots. To my surprise I found many random photos that I didn't remember taking. "Julie, have you been taking random pictures?" Nope, not her. Jacob. Well, we explained the importance of not using the camera without permission or when we were aware of it, but as it turned out some of the pictures aren't too bad. So here are a few.

And a special request from Andrea. Here is a picture of Julie. The due date is 1 month from today but we are hoping for an earlier arrival in 3 WEEKS!!!!