Sunday, September 30, 2007

Falling into Baseball

So when we moved out here we quickly made new friends, Brooke and Todd. It really was a great blessing to make friends so quickly. One of the first things that we learned about them was that Todd was really into baseball. [As a side story, it was really funny to us that we met Todd here because when Julie and I came out here to find a place to live we stayed at a hotel with a whole bunch of little leaguers for some big tournament. We were a bit in awe of the amount of time these families seemed to be putting into baseball. Well, as it turned out we were just seeing a glimpse of a part of Todd's family.] Anyway, one of the reasons that Brooke and Todd became one of our best friends was because we would spend Saturdays together watching BYU football. But when it came to baseball season things were a bit different. I like rooting for the D-Backs but that is only because I root for all professional Arizona teams (yes, even the Cardinals). But in general, I thought baseball was boring. Todd says, "That is what people who don't understand the game say." Since I really thought it was boring I figured I didn't understand the game but I was willing to learn, if for no other reason then to be able to talk to Todd about something that he liked. Well, I can certainly say that I have learned a lot. Part of that is due to him answering my constant questions. Another is his blog where he writes about different aspects of the game. (You should check it out. He is a really good writer and some of the graphics he made himself.) We were also able to go to a few Royals games throughout the season and I even got to meet his friend John Buck. Well, the season is over tonight for the Royals and after one season I would have to say that I am a Royals fan. (Hey, if I can root for the losing Cardinals then I can root for the losing Royals.) Anyway, Jacob and I got to go to one of their last games on Friday night. During one of the inning breaks they did a dance thing where they put up video of people dancing. Jacob didn't get on the big screen but Todd was able to catch a bit of him on his phone. The video isn't great but Todd did a bit of spicing up to put fun music and effects with it. (In case you can't tell he is doing the Egyptian.) Hope you like it. The people sitting all around us sure found him really cute.

As a side note, it is starting to be fall here and man it is wonderful. I think this is my favorite season here. The air is just so beautiful and when the colors start changing it is just wonderful.