This blog was created with the intent on giving me a place to put down some of my thoughts on the things that happen. However, for my 'first' post I want to just show off my cute daughter and her new glasses. My daughter and I both got glasses this last week. I have actually worn glasses for most of my life so I just got new ones. However, these are the first glasses for my daughter. She is so excited. I don't know what inspired her enthusiasm but it is cute. I was worried that the kids at school would damper her excitement by making fun of her but so far everyone is being pretty nice.
So my wife's family is really into scouting. Actually, it's not that they are crazy about it, it's just that they are almost all Eagle Scouts. A few years ago my wife's family had a family reunion/birthday party for her grandmother at which they had a court of honor. If you haven't ever been to a court of honor, at one point they have all the Eagle Scouts come up and form an 'Eagle's nest'. Well, let's just say that I was one of a few males left sitting in the crowd and those others were just not old enough to be Eagle's yet. But no worries, I made a choice to not be a scout when I was young and I don't regret it one bit. I know that scouting has it's good side but I also have other thoughts that my wife has told me I am not allowed to say in the presence of her family. Anyway, she has always said that I will have my chance to be a leader in scouts so that I can learn to appreciate it. Well, a couple of weeks ago she got her wish because I was called to be an assistant scout master of the 11 year old scouts. This last weekend we had a overnighter and to say the least it was interesting. It turns out that 11 year old boys can't do anything except play in a fire. Actually, they are very capable but whenever we asked them to do anything it was "But I don't know how." Some were eventually willing to try and were usually successful. However, some never would try and whined and cried at every thing. It was sad to see what city boys these boys were. So as a result I have decided that it is my quest to make sure my kids are not afraid of nature touching them.
So John she looks so very cute! My little girl. Sigh.
I love her new glasses! They're SO cute! I miss her and Jacob so much. (And you and Aunt Julie, I guess =>)
I any case, congrats with your new calling and welcome to the blogging world!
(Guess who!)
Amelia is absoulutly adorable,and I am so glad things are going well in Kansas. I am sorry that you are stuck with a bunch of whiners,but you'll toughen them up i'm sure!
Aunt 'Cynthia' you can click "other" instead of anonymous and just type your name in the space provided!
Thanks for posting Amelia's pic! I look forward to seeing your glasses--be sure to include the shades when you post a pic :) I also want to see the new wheels, un-hip though they may be.
So tonight I'm working late to help get an overdue project finished. It's taking so long! Cynthia's staying up with me. I'm listening to Soundic radio--internet radio from Sweden, via iTunes radio. It has pretty good tunes, but whenever the announcers come on I have no clue what they're saying. Anyway, thanks for posting; it's fun to read your blog.
The pic of Amelia is great, she looks 8, very cute. Glad to see you joining the Blogging community. One of the reasons I started my blog was to keep in touch with people I'm no longer near. Hope you keep it updated as I will be checking often. Also nice to see posts from other family. My Music Blog
Amelia looks so grown up! And smart!
Have fun scouting. Wahh.
We miss you all. Maybe we'll descend on you (think: locusts) next summer on a church history vacation tour. (Perhaps you should plan your own out-of-town tour instead!)
Amelia, my Sweet Pea, is adorable, but then she always has been ~ with or without glasses. As she told me, "I almost didn't recognize my (her) face" either!!! She now looks as brilliant as she truely is.
Somethings come back to haunt us ~~ have fun in scouting and remember all the negative from your experiences and turn them into positives.
Hugs and kisses to Julie and the kids. We love you all.
Super-duper cute glasses! I remember how excited I was to get glasses. Now all I can think about is when I can get laser surgery done.
John, Tyler is in scouts and it's not the fun time he remembers scouts being (camp outs and all that) it seems they are always at the church working on merit badges. I believe he works with the 11 year old boys as well.
Good luck making men out of the sissy city-boys!
What a fun pic! Amelia is beautiful, but looking way too grown up! We miss you guys - give Amelia and Jacob a hug for me.
Uncle Steve spent his first 100 years in the church in scouts - and loved every minute of it.
It was Great-grandpa Griffith who LOVED scouting and turned it into a family tradition. I think we'll learn more about that at the reunion next summer.
Aunt Shauna
Wow,100 years,Uncle Steve is old! Did you mean 10?
hi brother, amelia is so cute with her glasses!!! I showed some random lady who was in my office and she thought amelia was 8!!! i also showed her off to rodolfo and he thought her glasses were wicked cool!! i also think that it is pretty ironic that you are a scout leader but i am glad you are! you will be really good at it. well love ya talk to you agian sometime--sis
John, I'm excited you have a blog -the only thing better would be a
" woo-hoo " site !! Amelia is a cutie pie in her glasses !!! I hope you'll have a picture of the whole family next. Sounds like things are going great for all of you and I'm so glad. I'm so proud of you and the great things you've accomplished. You'll do great as a scout leader. Love you guys - give everyone hugs for me
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