My last posts have shown you pictures from last year's Halloween, but I finally have pictures from this year. As you can see Amelia is little mermaid and Jacob is Superman. The pictures are from the ward Halloween party. It was pretty fun. I typically have some reservations about being social but every once in a while I make an effort. In this case the results were pretty good. We have made some good friends here. It is funny though because our best friends have actually just moved here from Utah as well. Also, I have found one sure fire way to making friends in the ward. Stay and help clean up. This observation actually started last week. So last week I went to clean the church. I wasn't originally scheduled to do so but I had missed my turn the week before so I volunteered to make up for it. But in addition to that I had cleaned the church two weeks prior because the quorum leader had called and asked if I could help because they were short. Anyway, when I showed up last week the guy that lets people in and is kind of the church maintenance man recognized me and was surprised to see me. He seemed really grateful I was there and a big deal that I had come twice in such a short period. For me however it didn't seem like a big deal. Cleaning is easy. If I could clean myself into celestial glory then I would be set. OK, back to last night. Our good friends are on the activities committee so I thought it would be nice to stay and help

Today was also a fun day. Our good friends came over to watch the BYU vs. Air Force game. We BBQed hamburgers and watched and visited. BYU kind of dominated so it got to be kind of boring because we were going to win and there wasn't much drama. I like my football when my team wins with drama. Afterwards we carved pumpkins. I did the old woman/witch from Snow White and Julie did the cute little face. I have another pumpkin but it actually takes a long time to carve these so maybe I will do it tomorrow.