In other random news I got my motorcycle permit last week. I know that doesn't mean too much (and to some of my family it is more of a bad thing) but it feels like I am getting one step closer to my Vespa. In case you haven't heard I am hoping to get a Vespa soon. I think the soonest it would happen is next spring but I am so excited. If you want to check it out it is the Vespa GTS. I have test rode it and it is so nice. Two guys at work have gotten scooters in the past two months and they keep asking when I am getting mine. One of the guys has offered to let me use his to get my license but for now I am happy with the permit.

So I am watching Michael as I am writing this and the part about pie just came on. I love that part. I love pie. I think it would be so fun to go to a great small town diner and just order two pieces of every pie (except the ones with nuts). Personally I am a fruit pie guy myself but Julie is definitely a cream pie person. Sometimes I wonder how we every manage to get along :) Well, that is all for now. I mostly just wanted to give an update about NJ since people had asked about it. Well, that and since Whitney has thrown down the gauntlet about posting so little (at least I hope that is what she meant) I feel the need to post more often, even if they are boring posts.
That's last years Halloween picture in case anyone was curious.
Very cute Halloween pic. I've always wanted to go to Village Inn or Marie Calendar's and order one of everything that looks good(without nuts goes without saying) I'm not a huge fruit pie fan or even cream pie. Pumpkin is by far my favorite, then strawberry, and surprisingly chocolate pies, then apple. I think pumpkin is by far more american than apple. Most countries have apple. Pumpkin is just ours, and should be eaten on the 4th of July and the like. Good stuff.
I was gonna comment about the vespa, very cool - and economical.
Adorable pic - really bad idea to get on a little machine and drive out where there are cars and trucks driving around you - but that only means I love you!
well i have to agree on the whole halloween not being particularly exciting, however i am dressing up this year. my roomate has a gazillion costumes. i like the vespa it is cool, just don't go too fast and be responsible. i know you will cause if you died i would be the only sibling and that would be sad!!
They look very cute even if it is last years pic.Nice Vespa,be be careful!
Your kids are SO cute! I know that I always say that but it's SO true!
If my mom were here she'd lecture you on the evils of motorcycle's. All I can say is be careful (although I know that you'll be careful anyways, I just feel it should be said again.)
I love your posts and pictures. Oh yeah, and that pie thing sounds fun. I would try all the pies, especially the ones WITH nuts! What can I say, I'm a little nutty myself =>
P.S. bluejeanbabyqueen is my friend Sarah. You may or may not have met her but she's met your kids.
Looked at the Vespa. I would almost be willing to let Dad get one for the commute to work, esp. since his commute is short and NOT IN THE CITY!!!! Don't tell him though, he might take me up on the offer. Love, Mom.
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