Last Thursday I played in double header softball games. Todd's ward has a team and they were going to be a couple of guys short so he asked if I was interested. Since they were 0-6 and had lost the last three by mercy rule, I figured I could give it a try. The last time I play anything that even resembled softball was probably my freshman or sophomore year of high school in PE. You should know that back then I wasn't the athlete that I am today :) I even needed special extra credit just to get a decent grade in the class. So all I was hoping for was to connect with the ball with either my bat or glove. (I would have taken either.)
Anyway, Todd wasn't totally truthful because when I showed up they did have enough guys. I ended up switching with another guy every 2 innings. I played as the catcher. For the most part I did OK but I could hear the other team laugh a little as balls got by me. I was a bit timid back there, but in my defense I was nervous and those bats seemed to get really close to my head. But in the end I just focused on the fact that I was wearing my John Buck t-shirt and tried to gather courage from that :)

In fact, I was glad I was wearing my John Buck t-shirt because I had one really intense inning. The first play was a hit to left field, thrown to the short stop and then GUNNED to home plate to get the runner out. (a 7 - 6 - 2 play) Well, there I was, a big ugly runner coming at me like a freight train and the ball flying at my head at 200 mph!!! Well, I was nervous and so I put up my glove but also my bare hand and in the end my body's reflex was to try and catch the ball with my bare hand. (With my eyes mostly closed) Needless to say, I didn't make the play :(
Well....not two or three hitters later there was another 7 - 6 - 2 play only this time the ball was probably only coming in at 195 mph and the runner was more like a semi truck. (Although equally ugly.) This time I remembered to use my glove and thankfully it fused with the fibers in the glove because I was able to swing my arm around and make the play to end the inning. Whew! (I let the other guy play an extra inning after that.)
As far as hitting, I was able to hit the ball each time I was up (only three times) I got out twice but made it to base on one hit. The hit was to shortstop but he bobbled it a bit so I was able to get a few steps on him. I think that irritated him a bit (ugly people are that way) and so he decided to throw it at my head! (At least that was my impression because it was kind of out of my field of sight.) Since I didn't have a helmet that made me nervous but I didn't want to cower too much so I just kept running. Well, as it turned out, it wasn't coming at my head but rather my foot. It hit it square on the inside side but I got on base! I was even able to get to second but not after embarrassing myself but leading off a bit. (Apparently, that isn't allowed in softball.)
So bottom line.... we lost both games but only by 3 points. Oh, and I had a bruise on my foot!!! It is gone today but still tender. Sports wounds are awesome.
That was awesome! And, you're too modest... The run you saved by making that play at the plate was huge. And the second runner was coming in like a freight train too. Pretty good debut, if you ask me :)
good job man, nice to see you out there on the diamond. At least you've got your running skills to fall back on.
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