Recently, I found a site that rates the reading level of websites. I was delighted to see that both of the above mentioned blogs had very high ratings. Unfortunately, I also saw that the writing staff of the IsItRandom blog have let the writing level stoop to an abysmal level and received the lowest ranking possible. But fear not my fellow readers! I have tasked the staff of this blog with a plan to turn the tides of this most regrettable occurrence. From this point forward the authors of all future blogs will be cognizant of our goal to providing posts that require more than an elementary education to understand. I apologize to any of the fine patrons of the IsItRandom blog whose experience here has been anything less than educational and uplifting and thought provoking.
Writer, Editor, Senior Implementation Orchestrator, Dynamic Communications Coordinator, Sanitation Engineer, Future Usability Specialist, and CEO of the IsItRandom Blog
Disclaimer: The staff at IsItRandom realize that for all intents and purposes the reading level of this blog is in no way related to its popularity. We understand that no one really cares about what is said as long as there is a picture of my children. Unfortunately, this was written during my lunch break so the pictures will need to be uploaded tonight.

John you crack me up. I'll have tell Dave to read your blog today.
HA HA! I was about two sentences into your post when I noticed a decided difference in your diction, and thought, "Is he trying to up his readability rating?" You're the best, man! Good to see that you won't be sacrificing the adorable family pictures for the sake of increasing intellectual verbiage.
ah, the verbosity abounds. I don't know if that's really a word, but i've used it for years. Anything that gets you to post is a good thing in my book, don't stop whatever you do. The pictures of your fam are always enjoyed, in fact after I talk to you, Sara asks how your kids are and then I realize I have neglected to ask that question, or even how Julie is doing. I do like them too, give them my love.
So what is the name of this alleged website? I must find it. ^^; Great post, You sure to have a lot of positions and responsibilities in the care taking of your blog. Ha ha.
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