So last weekend was kind of a big one for Julie, Sarah and I. Thursday the three of us drove down to Phoenix for our flight to Utah for the BYU vs. Wyoming game. The best part of the drive was watching people look at Cliff (my Jeep) in the city. I had been in Morenci the day before so Cliff was very dirty with mud from the pit. Julie and I had a lot of fun giving words to people's confused looks as they contemplated that strange brown substance on the side of Cliff. I also took great pride in driving by other Jeeps and 4 wheel drives that were all shiny and clean. That being said I can't wait until I stop going to Morenci for awhile so that I can wash my car. It is really really dirty. I want to see it shine again.

Anyway, Sarah did so well on the flight, I was very happy. The lady that sat beside us was very nice and chatted the whole way. Unfortunately, she and Julie chatted mostly so Sarah and I were left as the third wheel. Stephen was there to pick us up and all went over without a hitch. Shauna also had a gourmet meal of Italian food waiting for us. FANTASTIC!! We got to visit with Steve, Shauna, and Stephen that night which was a nice surprise since we didn't expect Steve and Shauna to still be there. I got people particularly excited about white shirts and ties at church at one point but there was plenty of topics to go around. Sorry Stephen about all the statistics talk.
Despite the late night visiting I was up bright and early so I went with Stephen to take Katie to school. Trying to eliminate a trip later Stephen and I decided to head to BYU and visit some old professors and get our BYU gear for the game on Saturday. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any professors and it turned out Julie want to go get her own gear. So we drove back to get her and once back I was able to catch all three professors that I wanted to and we got our gear. We really wanted to each lunch at the Legends Grill but we had to hurry back to talk Shauna to the airport for their cruise and since I had talked too long we were in a hurry. Deciding we had enough time to have a quick lunch we went any way. At first our thought was if they are quick and we eat quick we should be OK. It quickly moved to if we get our food soon we could box it up and still be OK. After 45 minutes which included serving the entire soccer team that apparently called in their order right before ours they finally STARTED making our food!!! Apparently the legends of the place are of how long it takes to get your food. Needless to say we weren't too happy and were a bit rushed to the airport. In the end though it all worked out.
The rest of Friday was pretty much spent visiting with Whitney, Amy Candi, and Stephen. We played a cool railway game and that was that.
Saturday was game day. The traffic was pretty good getting there so we were on time and everything. We started the game off with hotdogs and brats. Man I love the stadium brats. If you didn't see the game it was awesome. The offense ruled as usual but the defense was the star of the show. Shutouts are so fun. There were a couple of times when they got close but each time our defense stepped up and kept the shutout alive. It is also great going to BYU games because people are not drunk and are nice about the kids. The guys right behind us kept cooing and talking to Sarah the whole time. She was a big hit.
After the game we went to an old friends' place in Provo visited some more. In the end we visited 75% of the weekend, traveled 10%, and the remainder of the weekend was spenting eating and going to the game. Good times. Good times.
Thanks Steve and Shauna for the tickets and for a place to stay. Thanks Stephen for the rides everywhere. It really was a great weekend.
You guys should visit more often!
Yay! I'm so glad you're posting again. I loved the picture. Go Cougs!
It was lots of fun, you need to make the trip to a game a yearly event.
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