Monday, June 22, 2009

What to say...?

We have four kids (aka monsters). I love them. They wear me out and make me crazy and sometimes bring out the worst in me (I'm the bad cop in the parenting duo). But in the end they are wonderful. This father's day they got me ties and a keyboard. I needed the ties and am super excited about the keyboard. I've had the same keyboard for 3 computers and the shift key sticks and the keys are loud. They also brought me waffles in bed and then after church Lizzy and Sarah sat and cuddled with me while we watched Peter Pan. Life is good, maybe even ideal or perfect.

Each one of these four bundles of joy have come to us in the natural way. And with three out of the four when Julie has said to me in a soft, loving, and possibly even timid voice, "Uh, John?". I have replied knowingly, "Yes, I know.". (With the fourth we were both surprised and my only response was laughter.) Well, recently Julie called me at work and told me she had just taken a pregnancy test and that she was pregnant. However, this time there were no "I knows" not even laughter. In fact, I wasn't even the first person she told. Why would I deserve such treatment? Well, because this time the baby isn't even mine. That's right my wife is pregnant with someone else's baby. So in the end I didn't have much to say. But here are some ideas. Please feel free to share your's.
  1. "Who was he?" followed by "Where's my gun."
  2. "That's OK. I still love you."
  3. "What! But I was only in Chicago for a week!"
  4. "How could you do this to me!" (either yelling or sobbing)
  5. "Well, I hope your happy with yourself."
  6. "Call Jerry Springer."
  7. "Call Dr. Phil."
  8. Hang up and say nothing.
  9. "Is he rich?"
  10. "Well, I'm not going into the delivery room!" (my personal favorite)
Congratulations Cindy and Dave!!!! I hope this works!

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