Elizabeth was born 2:52 Friday morning on December 29, 2006. She was 5 lbs 4 oz, 17 inches.

You can never really be sure
Ahhhhh, October. Fall leaves. College football. Cool mornings. And the impending doom of Halloween. That's right I am not one that gets excited about Halloween. There were those days when I did but I have tried to forget them, not unlike those days when I wore MC Hammer pants. But I want to make one thing perfectly clear. I am not one of those that doesn't like it because 'Halloween is a pagan holiday'. In fact, I am willing to endure Halloween just to make those people uneasy. But let's not dwell on that (I have nieces and a mom that reads this blog). This is a picture of the pumpkins that Dave and I made last year. Mine is the less cool one. I think this year I will try the one Dave did and new one. And therein lies my internal conflict. I hate Halloween but Julie has a talent for finding the one thing that peaks my interest. Also, watching my kids get excited over these things is enough to hide my dislike. What a softy.
Well, honestly there is nothing to report except randomness. That is why the blog hasn't been updated. It turns out that deciding on what randomness to write about is difficult. Work has been busy. Home is busy. But neither one has been exciting enough to report. Next week I might have to go to