So there is this new hotel in town that seems to be getting really popular. If any one is planning to come out here you should really check it out. It isn't really big or fancy but they are cool because they serve BBQ once or twice a week. Usually they serve on Tuesdays but occasionally they also serve something on Saturday or Sunday. The Tuesday BBQ is usually more of a grill with standard items such as hamburgers and hot dogs. Although every once in a while they serve something a little extra. Last Tuesday they made hamburgers but they mixed the spices in the meat with eggs and a little butter. Then for a little zing they mixed in some A1 sauce. They also used wet hickory chips with the charcoal to give it a little smoke flavor. Oh, and they grilled some red peppers to put on the burgers. Man, they were good!!!!! On the weekends they serve BBQ with more adventurous items like ribs or chicken wings but this section is already too long so I'll have to tell you about it later. The operators told me last time I talked to him that he expects to be serving chicken wings in about a week so maybe I'll let you know then.
Well, there isn't much exciting going on here. Amy and Phelan are here and we are enjoying their company. Also, the rug rats keep us going. That Lizzy sure is cute. I think she likes me more then the others did. The other day when I put on my backpack to leave she started crying and crawled right over to me. Also, when I come home she always seems so happy to see me. :) Amelia is doing great in school. It is amazing to me to think that just last year she was barely reading and now she is getting little chapter books from the library and just busting through them. Jacob on the other had is just entering the reading arena but so far he is doing really well. Oh, and Amelia is so good in her class. They get 12 tickets each week and the teacher takes them away when they get in trouble during the week. Then on Fridays the kids that have a certain amount of tickets left get to eat a healthy snack an play games (like UNO or the likes). I don't think there has been one week that Amelia has had less then 11 tickets. She really is such a good girl.

OK. That should be good for now. We are hoping to go to a pumpkin patch this weekend. I hope to take pictures of the kids in the patch for their winter pictures. I hope I can get a few to come out really good so I can post some cute family pictures next week. I really like it if they turn as good as Stephen's last few that he posted.
PS. Yes I added shameless pictures of my cute kids in order to boost my ratings and reader comments. What can I say, I'm weak.
You're right, the cute pictures certainly boost your ratings, at least from this reader =>
I've sure heard a lot about this Kansas BBQ stuff but I haven't actually tried it myself. I'll have to try it sometime.
I'm so jealous that you guys are having a regular party without me! I really wish I could be there with you guys! (Lizzie sure is getting a lot bigger! She has so much hair now!)
It's true,the pictures really do add a lot. The pumpkin patch sounds way cute. I do enjoy BBQ ,even if I haven't tried "THE BBQ" But oh well *sigh*
Yeah, someone promised me Kansas City BBQ once, but it never did come to fruition. (I did get some really good Italian food for my troubles though, not that I needed payment) I have nothing to compete with cute kids, sorry. Sounds like there's a party going on there, always a blast when the Griffith's throw a party.
Ok so I think the kids are way to cute for there own good. Little Lizzy is growing up. Soon she will be a toddler and I will have missed so much of her baby life!
I have never been to a pumpkin patch but it sounds lots of fun. Wish Dave and I were there to help carve them up. Good times. Good times.
Hey, I've heard of that sweet new hotel/BBQ place in town too. Everybody's talking about it. Actually, Brooke and I drop in occasionally. We've never spent the night, so I can't really speak for the accommodations, but the BBQ is excellent, especially if you're lucky enough to go on a night they serve steak, ribs, or chicken wings. I highly recommend it to anyone visiting the metro area.
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